本文报道了一种合成Nerandomilast(BI1015550)的策略,包括关键构建块二氯噻吩并哒嗪的合成过程以及几个关键中间体的合成方法。文章重点介绍了该合成方法的几个关键点,包括区域选择性形成化合物10的改进分子内Dieckmann缩合反应、有效形成稳定且易于分离的固体中间体12、合成胺3时对先前报道的一锅法三步序列的改进、控制vinamidinium盐17中砷污染的严格规格限制和测试、评估了合成3的替代方法以及使用Uemura和同事报道的一般性不对称氧化方法制备手性亚砜2的不对称氧化反应等。最后,文章介绍了在合成中使用HNMR反应在Hu ̈ nig碱和THF/水混合溶剂系统中的最后一步。
关键观点1: 报道了合成Nerandomilast的整体策略及关键构建块的合成过程。
关键观点2: 对胺3的合成进行了改进,并关注vinamidinium盐17中砷污染的控制。
关键观点3: 评估了合成3的替代方法和手性亚砜2的不对称氧化反应。
关键观点4: 介绍了最终化学步骤的合成,使用HNMR反应在Hu ̈ nig碱和THF/水混合溶剂系统中完成。
随着中间体2和3的稳健和可扩展的合成过程的发展,最终化学步骤是通过SNAr反应在Hu ̈ nig碱和THF/水混合溶剂系统中完成的。
Org. Process Res. Dev. 2024, 28, 3745 − 3751. DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.4c00309 ◆ The overall strategy for the synthesis of
Nerandomilast (BI1015550, 1) was analogous to our reported general approach for
structurally related compounds ◆ A scalable 5-step synthesis process for
the key building block dichloro-thieno-pyrimidine 5 had been developed. Key
aspects of this approach were the regioselective formation of 10 by an improved
intramolecular Dieckmann condensation promoted by
(i-PrO)TiCl3 and the efficient formation of 12, a stable, simple to
isolate solid intermediate. ◆ For the synthesis of amine 3, we initially
made use of a modification of our previously reported one-pot, 3-step sequence ◆ The critical concern was that vinamidinium
salt 17, depending on the source of HPF6 used in its manufacture, was found to
contain varying levels of arsenic contamination which had to be controlled by
tight specification limits ( As < 15 ppm ) and
testing. ◆ An alternative approach t