点击下方名片关注我们 导读 63岁歌神张学友的“60+世界巡演”移师杭州,7月21日晚上是杭州站的第六场演出,他因为声音出状况,以略微沙哑的声音向全场鞠躬致歉。 以下是外媒报道。 双语文本 From falling on stage due to dizziness to contracting Covid-19 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), Heavenly King Jacky Cheung has had a series of health issues while on his 60+ Concert Tour. Since kicking off his tour in June 2023 in Macau, the star has performed 153 shows to date. 从因头晕在舞台上摔倒到感染新冠肺炎和呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV),天王张学友在他的60+巡回演唱会期间出现了一系列健康问题。自2023年6月在澳门开启巡回演唱会以来,这位巨星迄今已演出了153场。 The tour is slated to end in Taipei next April. Sadly, the 63-year-old’s voice turned hoarse during his performance in Hangzhou on Jul 22, sparking concerns that his strenuous tour has take