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為设计 STUDIO  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-12 20:18


FOR  YOU  DESIGN — 浮生梦 三生渺渺 息壤生生 谁当逝水 东流无终 项目地点/浙江绍兴 location/Zhejiang Shaoxing 项目面积/446㎡ Area/446㎡ 设计团队/為设计 Design Team/For You Design 主案设计/朱可 春夏  Principal Designer/Zhuke Chunxia 设计师/夏雨 Designer/Xiayu 表现设计/Trendy_Chigga Performance/Trendy_Chigga OPEN 土壤孕育万物             Soil nurtures all living things.               本案远离尘嚣,静谧镶嵌在近郊的翠绿怀抱之中。屋主人怀揣着对美的无限追求与憧憬,计划将此打造成一个拍摄基地,让每一帧画面都能定格下这份难能可贵的宁静与美好。 This project stands afar from the hustle and bustle, peacefully nestled within the verdant embrace of the outskirts. The homeowner, with boundless pursuit and longing for beauty, plans to transform it into a photography base, where every frame can capture and preserve this invaluable tranquility and lo ………………………………

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