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CCF-B类 | 计算机 | SCI期刊专刊截稿信息2条

Call4Papers  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-13 10:23


图形学与多媒体 Graphical Models Geometric modeling for multi-axis additive and subtractive manufacturing 全文截稿: 2024-12-15 影响因子: 1.224 CCF分类: B类 中科院JCR分区:   • 小类 : 计算机:软件工程 - 4区   • 小类 : 计算机科学 - 4区 网址: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/graphical-models/ This special issue seeks original research articles that deal with the geometric modeling of subtractive and/or additive manufacturing processes. This includes, but is not limited to, research on tool and motion planning for Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machining, hot-wire cutting, collision detection, multi-axis 3D printing, and computational design for fabrication. Particularly welcome is also research on modelling of heterogenous multi-material structures and their additive manufacturing. Guest editors: Michael Barton, PhdBasque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao, Spain. mbarton@bcamath.org(Geometric modeling, CNC machining, kinema ………………………………

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