所谓成功的人 一定是比别人努力, 比别人付出得多, 经历了更多的磨难。 凤凰涅盘正是因为 经历了强烈的痛苦, 才会有震撼人心的美丽。 一个人的成功 并不是偶然的, 他是踩着无数的 失败和痛苦走过来的。 别人看到的 只是他今天的 光辉和荣耀, 只有他自己知道, 在他通往成功的路上, 有着怎样的艰难与辛酸。 --- 加措活佛 There is a message in "Return to
the present": one has seen the death around him believes that one day he
will die. Impermanence is happening all the time, because none of us can plant
everlasting cause. Suffering is always in existence, accompanied by the whole
process of life, birth, aged, illness, death, growing, living, breaking, and
emptiness. When people pray for happiness to come, it is developing the cause
of suffering. We are trapped by desire, so we lack wisdom, and always helpless. 有缘请加我公众微信 长按上图二维