专栏名称: 设计先锋队
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AT Pavilion,印度尼西亚雅加达

设计先锋队  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-15 07:00


AT Pavilion is located in the bustling urban area of South Jakarta as a serene retreat from the city’s fast-paced lifestyle. This Pavilion design was inspired by the need to take a breath between traffic jams, busy work schedules, and the hustle and bustle of the city. AT Pavilion 位于雅加达南部繁华的市区,是远离城市快节奏生活方式的宁静度假胜地。这个 Pavilion 设计的灵感来自于在交通拥堵、繁忙的工作日程和城市的喧嚣之间喘口气的需要。 AT Pavilion extends horizontally across a rectangular site. The exterior features a monolithic front facade, providing a sense of privacy, while the interior is characterized by numerous openings that connect with outdoor spaces. AT Pavilion 水平延伸到一个矩形场地上。外部采用整体式前立面,提供隐私感,而内部则以众多与室外空间相连的开口为特色。 The pavilion employs a mix of three materials: concrete, wood, and steel. Concrete, wood, ………………………………

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