1 写在前面 导图作者: Summer ,女, QE 在职,梦想能仗走天涯 翻译 / 音乐 / 健康 2 精读|翻译|词组 Science & technology | Well informed 科技版块 | 见多识广 英文部分选自经济学人20250208期文化板块 Science & technology | Well informed 科技版块 | 见多识广 Are ice baths good for you? 冰浴对你有好处吗? They won’t hurt. Actually they might, a bit 看似无妨,但冰浴实际上可能会有轻微影响 A person sat in a drinking glass full of ice 泡在装满冰的玻璃杯里的人 A“cold shock” sounds unpromising, at least at first blush. Plunge into icy water, and, as you gasp for air, your heartbeat jumps, blood vessels constrict, stress hormones like cortisol, an immunosuppressant, surge and you begin to shiver. Yet the practice of regularly soaking in cold water is booming and has even become fashionable. “ 冷休克 ” 听起来不太妙,至少乍一看是这样。跳入冰冷的水中,心跳