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世行招聘 |世界银行亚太区人才引进宣讲活动

世界银行  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-21 17:27


世界银行亚太区人才引进宣讲活动 (图片: 世界银行 ) 想加入世界银行吗?欢迎注册参加 北京时间6月25日晚7点整 举行的 世界银行亚太区人才引进宣讲活动。 复制活动 到浏览器: https://www.careerfairy.io/portal/livestream/hQzKfG0QLH1idtoNJLeE?referral=Il1XJWNSTNp =hQzKfG0QLH1idtoNJLeE =eap_tt_asiapacific_en_ext =5ae09e65632eae1372b683827842d50d Join us for the East Asia and Pacific Outreach Webinar. Our esteemed speakers will engage in a comprehensive discussion about the multifaceted aspects of employment at the World Bank Group. The discussion will cover an overview of the available opportunities, current job openings specific to the East Asia and Pacific Region, the qualifications and attributes we seek in potential candidates, and provide strategic advice on how to excel in the application process. Additionally, there will be a dedicated segment for addressing queries from the audience. 关注世界银行微信公众 ………………………………

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