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【出版】Chinese Journal of Communication:2024年第2期

传媒学术网  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2024-06-01 23:09


Research Articles Unraveling China’s digital traces: evaluating communication scholarship through a sociotechnical lens Kaiping Chen, Yingdan Lu & Yiming Wang Public emotional atmosphere during disasters: understanding emotions in short video comments on the Zhengzhou flood Xiaohong Wang, Chen Zhang, Qinglan Wei & Yichun Zhao Measuring up in a pandemic: information attention, source credibility, and public evaluation of the government COVID-19 response in mainland China Yuanhang Lu, Xi Chen, Yi-Hui Christine Huang & Fen Lin Enveloped in mediated pandemic: Immersion as a mediator of the effects of media exposure on perceived severity and behavioral intention Xudong Liu, Shengnan Pang & Xigen Li To learn or to have fun? How paratexts of entertainment education programs affect fans’ informal learning Fang Wu, Di Cui & Fu Hsuan Yang Digital distinction: class as mediated dispositions in China’s Animal Crossing fever Yichen Rao & Jieyi Xie Book Reviews The Wuhan Lockdown B ………………………………

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