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亚洲争议评论 | 探讨在香港设立国际商事法庭的可能性——发展法律中心的新动力?

香港国际仲裁中心HKIAC  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-19 18:00


This article was originally published on  Asian Dispute Review, issue 1 , 2024. This article is an edited version of a research paper which proposes the creation of a Hong Kong International Commercial Court (HKICC) as a means of further developing the Hong Kong SAR as a legal and dispute resolution hub. In formulating a model for the proposed HKICC, extensive comparisons are made with the China International Commercial Court (CICC) and the Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC), the instruments which created them, the services they provide and experiences in their use.  Introduction   In recent years, the rapid global rise of international commercial courts (ICCs) -Specialised domestic tribunals for resolving complex cross-border commercial disputes has transformed the arena of international dispute resolution institutions.[1] ICCs have proliferated across the Middle East, Asia and Europe, prompting even more countries to contemplate the establishment ………………………………

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