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会议征稿 | The 2024 Workshop on AI-empowered Systems Simulation

复杂系统与计算社会学  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-10 13:42


CALL FOR PAPERS The Workshop on AI-empowered Systems Simulation (WASS 2024) builds upon the growing need for a comprehensive understanding of how artificial intelligence can enhance complex system simulations. With the rapid advancements in AI technology, there is an increasing demand for exploring its integration into various simulation environments, particularly in fields like engineering, healthcare, economics, and more. WASS 2024 aims to bridge the gap between AI research and its practical applications in system simulations, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among researchers, developers, and industry experts. AREAS OF INTERESTS The areas of interest at WASS2024 are expected to cover, but are not limited to, the following areas: Agent-Based Modeling with AI AI for Complex Network Modeling AI for Multi-scale Modeling AI in Risk Assessment and Prediction AI-Driven System Modeling AI-Enhanced Simulation Accuracy Complex System Dynamics Simulation Data-Driven Modeling Techn ………………………………

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