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DINZ德网 | 建筑师Peter Cohen的诗意栖居

德国室内设计网  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-27 17:29


建筑师Peter Cohen为自己、妻子萨莉以及他们的金毛寻回犬“黛西”设计了Maison Amtrak住宅。该住宅位于缅因州埃尔斯沃思附近的沿海森林中,紧邻尤宁河上方。其设计使彼得能够将各个生活模块“拼接”到中央脊骨上,以此将对自然景观的影响降到最低,同时充分利用河景。彼得将自己的住宅命名为“Maison Amtrak”,因为该住宅的外形让他联想到了脱轨的火车车厢,颇具讽刺意味。 Maison Amtrak was designed by architect Peter Cohen for himself, his wife Sally and his golden retriever “Daisy”. Located in the coastal forests near Ellsworth, Maine and just above the Union River, the design allowed Peter to “clip” the various living modules to a central spine in such a way as to produce the least amount of impact on the natural landscape and at the same time take advantage of the riverscape. Peter dubbed his home “Maison Amtrak” because the home’s footprint i ………………………………

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