活动详情 (本活动 仅限 英语教师、教研人员及高校英语专业学生参加。研讨会将用英语进行。请务必携带身份证原件参会。) 欢迎各位英语老师参加2024年9月12日由地区英语项目办公室(Regional English Language Office)举办的英语教师沙龙。本次沙龙由Matthew Jellick主持,活动时间为14:00-15:30。Matthew将与大家分享 Using Differentiation in the Classroom as Teachable Opportunities。此活动免费面向各学段英语教师、教研人员及高校英语专业学生,但需预约。活动限25人,实名注册,名满即止。 Join us for the English Teacher Roundtable on September 12, 2024, hosted by the Regional English Language Office of the U.S. Embassy in China. Led by the English Language Specialist, Matthew Jellick, the event will take place from 14:00 to 15:30, offering a valuable opportunity for English educators to explore Using Differentiation in the Classroom as Teachable Opportu