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北师经管|我院教师蔡宏波合作论文在British Journal of Management发表

北师大经管学院  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-14 11:31


近日,我院国贸系蔡宏波教授与中国科学技术大学Dong, M.、澳大利亚国立大学Choi, Y.和Cui, L.、中国人民大学Ma, P.合作撰写的论文”Employee Ownership and Firm Digital Transformation”在期刊British Journal of Management上发表。 British Journal of Management是英国管理学会的官方期刊(每季度出版一期),管理学领域权威学术期刊之一,ABS4星期刊,近5年的平均影响因子为7.138。 文章信息 Dong, M., Choi, Y., Ma, P., Cai, H., & Cui, L. Employee Ownership and Firm Digital Transformation, British Journal of Management. First published: 10 October 2024. 文章简介 The development of digital technologies has triggered the digital transformation of organizations, enabling business model innovation. With the rise of a human-centred view of digitalization, previous studies have been devoted to exploring how leadership drives digitalization, overlooking the role of employees as a key stakeholder. Motivat ………………………………

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