报告人 蔡拥阳,俄亥俄州立大学教授,斯坦福大学和复旦大学博士。主要从事气候变化经济学、计算经济学、经济及多系统综合建模、资源与环境经济学等研究工作,开创了多个数值求解动态随机一般均衡及动态随机非合作博弈的方法。研究成果发表于Journal of Political Economy, JEEA, QE, JAERE, JEEM, PNAS, Nature Climate Change, Operations Research等著名期刊。2021年荣获著名的环境与资源经济学Erik Kempe奖。 报告题目 Dynamics of Global Emission Permit Prices and Regional Social Cost of Carbon under Noncooperation 报告摘要 We build a dynamic multi-region model of climate and economy with emission permit trading among 12 aggregated regions in the world. We solve for the dynamic Nash equilibrium under noncooperation, wherein each region adheres to the emission cap constraints following commitments that were first outlined in the 2015 Paris Agreement and later s