专栏名称: 精益工业工程
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精益工业工程  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-24 10:33


参考阅读: 新乡重夫的《无库存生产系统》NSP! 新乡重夫的《SMED/快速换模》教程+视频! Kaizen and the Art of Creative Thinking 改善与创造性思维的艺术 Once again Dr. Shigeo Shingo   will amaze you. Along with Taiichi Ohno, Dr. Shingo co-developed TPS (LEAN) with his deep understanding of how to improve the overall process of production. Dr. Shingo reveals how he taught Toyota and other Japanese companies the art of identifying and solving problems. Many companies in the West are trying to emulate Lean, but few can do it. Why? Possibly because we in the West do not recognize, develop, and support the creative potential of every worker in solving problems. Toyota makes all employees problem solvers. Dr. Shingo gives you the tools to do it. It is an easy to read, brilliant book! Dr. Shingo presents six unique models, the sum of which he calls the Scientific Thinking Mechanism. These frameworks allow groups to deconstruct problems and rebuild them ………………………………

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