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Business丨E-commerce drives China's air cargo market

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-06-24 12:04
The rise of cross-border e-commerce is lifting the global air cargo market like never before, with China leading the way, boosted by Air Silk Road or air routes that connect the country with the economies participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, industry experts said.▲An employee oversees cargo loading of a Luxembourg-bound aircraft at Xinzheng International Airport in Zhengzhou, Henan province. [PHOTO/XINHUA]From flowers and fruits to consumer electronics containing lithium-ion batteries, all are par for the air cargo course now, they said.Besides generating cargo business for airlines, this trend has boosted trade in certain niche sectors like smart wearable and electronic products produced by Chinese enterprises. They are now welcomed by overseas consumers, fueled by a boom in cross-border e-commerce that has sent demand for air cargo transportation soaring.With innovation enhancing consumer products and consumers pursuing lifestyles characterized by increasing use of "intel ………………………………

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