忙碌的期末终于结束啦 假期小勇士们都有什么打算? 想结交新朋友?学习新本领? 北京嘉里大酒店 「STP夏令营」 让你的夏天收获满满! This term is finally about to end! What do you plan for the summer? "STP Summer Camp" at Beijing Kerry Hotel Will give you a worthy experience! 本期夏令营共 开设五个时间段 7.29-8.2/8.5-8.9/8.12-8.16 8.19-8.23/8.26-8.30 小勇士可 根据自身情况 选择合理时间段参与夏令营 N ow open for registeration. 7.29-8.2/8.5-8.9/8.12-8.16 8.19-8.23/8.26-8.30 There are 5 periods of camp dates to choose ! 五天时间,五项任务 每天 9:00-17:00 斯巴达主题活动 同 耐力体能训练 并行 Five tasks in five days from 9:00-17:00 Spartan activities and Spartan endurance training are both included. 小勇士们将在锻炼中成长、蜕变 助力未来 从容面对每一次翱翔 Little warriors are given the chance to grow and transform. In the