文献来源 Uniform Trade Secrets Act (UTSA) Andreicovici, I., et al. (2024). Trade Secret Protection and the Integration of Information Within Firms. Management Science. Bradley, D., et al. (2023). Trade secret protection and product market dynamics. Journal of Corporate Finance. Klasa, S., Ortiz-Molina, H., Serfling, M., Srinivasan, S. (2018).Protection of trade secrets and capital structure decisions. Journal of Financial Economics, 128(2), 266–286. 清洗数据 cd C : \ Download
import exc UTSA , clear
keep A B
nrow 1
sa _ , replace
import exc UTSA , clear
keep C D
nrow 1
ren D B
ap using _
g Y = substr ( B , 1 , 4 )
destring Y , force replace
drop if mi ( Y )
drop B
su Y , d
loc m = r ( min )
loc n = year ( today ())
forv i = ` m '/`n' {
g y ` i ' = `i' = Y
drop Y
gather y *
g year = substr ( var , 2 , . )
drop var
ren v UTSA