专栏名称: 类生命系统
Cyborg and Bionic Systems(类生命系统)是北京理工大学出版社和美国科学促进会(AAAS)/ Science联合出版的高水平英文学术期刊,旨在推动生机电在未来仿生机器人领域的融合,引领生物与机电系统高度融合的技术变革
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Cyborg and Bionic Systems特刊征稿: 用于多功能操作、移动和人机交互的多模态软体机器人

类生命系统  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-24 09:15


Multimodal Soft Robots for Multifunctional Manipulation, Locomotion, and Human-Machine Interaction Aim and Scope Living organisms display a remarkable spectrum of adaptive behaviors to navigate ever-changing environments, driven by their inherent capacity for multimodal actuations and sensations. These foundational multimodal actuations, encompassing bending, twisting, contraction/extension, and their synergistic combinations, empower creatures to achieve advanced multimodal locomotion (e.g., running, jumping, and swimming) and versatile manipulation (e.g., grasping, touching, pushing, and pulling), enabling them to adeptly evade predators and excel in prey capture. Augmenting these dynamic movements are multimodal sensations, encompassing distance, deformation, force, and temperature perception, equipping organisms with the sensory acumen to make informed decisions. Inspired by the natural world, the field of soft robotics has made significant strides in developing multimodal actuatio ………………………………

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