专栏名称: 设计先锋队
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设计先锋队  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-23 12:27


Sited in a rural community on Hidden Hills Lake in Arnaudville, Louisiana, this next home is nestled in the shade of two large Sweet Gum trees. The clients envisioned a place where they could live out the rest of their lives as independently as possible, in a rural area, with limited access to extended family. 下一个住宅位于路易斯安那州阿诺维尔隐山湖的一个乡村社区,坐落在两棵大甜枫树的树荫下。客户设想了一个地方,他们可以在农村地区尽可能独立地度过余生,与大家庭的联系有限。 The result is a single-story home, constructed on a small footprint, with durable, low-maintenance materials both inside and out. The heart of this spacious-feeling home features sky-scraping ceilings that flood the interior with natural light, dissolving a wall of windows into the view of the lake beyond. The space is grounded by an open, dark kitchen, and flanked on either side by bedrooms and bathrooms. 其结果是一座单 ………………………………

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