背景介绍: 腌黄瓜,这一传统食品,在过去往往被视为餐桌上的配角,用途有限。然而,近年来,随着新一代美食家的发掘与推广,腌黄瓜逐渐从边缘走向主流,成为备受追捧的美食新星。从社交媒体上的热门话题到商业销售的显著增长,腌黄瓜的复兴不仅反映了食品趋势的变化,也体现了人们对健康、创新及传统美食新认识的追求。本文将深入探讨这一趋势的背景与现状。 Food lovers
the world over are tickled by pickles 世界各地美食爱好者都喜欢的腌菜 On social
media, preserved cucumbers are freshly trendy 在社交媒体上,腌黄瓜成为了一种新时尚 In days gone by, the pickled cucumber—or gherkin, in
British parlance —had a humble role in food. It showed up ornamentally or in
tiny, grease-cutting portions on burgers and charcuterie boards. So limited
were its uses that jars would languish at the back of refrigerators for years.