专栏名称: 设计诗designer
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Pascali Semerdjian Architects | 历久弥新,原始与自然

设计诗designer  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-06 08:08


▲ Pascali Semerdjian Architects 该公司成立于2010年,是两位专业人士的合作成果,他们除了对建筑充满热情外,还拥有共同的世界观。这是一种先于建筑本身的亲缘关系,可以追溯到两位专业人士的家庭起源。 Created in 2010, the firm is the result of the partnership of two professionals who, in addition to their passion for architecture, share a common worldview.  It is a kinship that precedes the architecture itself, and goes back to the family origins of both professionals. 这个项目最重要的一点是,每个单独的空间,无论是社交空间还是私人空间,都具有家庭的个性,独特的设计使整体和谐。 One of the most important things about this project is how every single space, both social and private, has the family personality, with a unique design that results in harmony with the whole. 这套公寓的全面翻新使我们能够为未来的居民创造更宽敞、更明亮的空间。 ………………………………

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