数据库管理与信息检索 The Journal of Strategic Information Systems Platform Partnerships 全文截稿: 2025-09-15 影响因子: 5.231 CCF分类: C类 中科院JCR分区: • 大类 : 管理学 - 2区 • 小类 : 计算机:信息系统 - 1区 • 小类 : 图书情报与档案管理 - 1区 • 小类 : 管理学 - 2区 网址: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/the-journal-of-strategic-information-systems/ Over the last years platform partnerships between independent third-party developers (complementors) and providers of software platforms (platform owners) have become the prevailing model for developing and delivering software products and services (Fürstenau et al. 2023; Jacobides et al. 2024). Platforms are strategic in enabling value co-creation through boundary resources—such as software development kits (SDKs) and application programming interfaces (APIs)—which provide complementors with the tools needed to seamlessly integrate their offerings