专栏名称: 第一消金
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第一消金  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-05 18:46


第一消费金融:本文借助彩云小译翻译自telegraph的文章《‘They suggested I sell my daughter’: The dark side of global microfinance》。内容难免有错讹,请以英文原文为准。 ‘They suggested I sell my daughter’: The dark side of global microfinance “他们建议我卖掉女儿”: 全球小额信贷的阴暗面 An idea that would eradicate the world’s poverty has led to debt traps and empty stomachs 消除世界贫困的想法导致了债务陷阱和空腹 Kosai was dragged into a carousel of debt after his wife injured her leg in a motorcycle accident  Kosai 的妻子在一次摩托车事故中伤了腿,他被拖入债务的旋转木马  The two bank representatives stood for several hours outside Dara’s house. They came from Amret, one of Cambodia’s microfinance institutions, to collect the monthly payment that Dara was late with. 两位银行代表在达拉家门外站了几个小时。他们来自 Amret,柬埔寨的小额信贷 ………………………………

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