Formwerkz建筑师事务所设计的这座位于Adam Road的混凝土独栋建筑,是一座绿化景观令人惊喜的优质洋房(GCB)。 This monolithic concrete box along Adam Road by Formwerkz Architects is a GCB with an unexpectedly green heart. 如果你最近去过Adam Food Centre,那么你可能会注意到停车场入口正对面有一座朴素无华的盒状建筑。 从街道的角度看,这座建筑完全由混凝土建成,表面似乎刻有类似埃及象形文字的铭文。 “人们问起它是否是警察局、大使馆,甚至是寺庙。 但它看起来最不像的就是一座房子,”Formwerkz建筑师事务所的创始人之一、也是这座优质洋房(GCB)设计策划者Alan Tay承认道。 If you have been to Adam Food Centre recently, you might have noticed an austere, box-like structure directly opposite the entrance to the carpark. At street level, it appears to be entirely formed by concrete and marked by what looks like inscriptions tha