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新作 × Zoé Wolker | 朴素与自然

美集志  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-05 22:28


 “ 空间的一半依赖于设计   另一半则源自于存在与精神 ” “Half of space depends on design  the other half is derived from presence and spirit.”  ——安藤忠雄(Tadao Ando)  - Cascais 是一座位于葡萄牙里斯本的极简主义住宅,由 Zoé Wolker 设计。 Cascais is a minimalist residential building located in Lisbon, Portugal, designed by Zo é Wolker. 客户最近移民到一个新的国家,他们寻求一个能够让他们轻松过渡并提供温暖、舒适和安全感的家。 The client has recently immigrated to a new country and is seeking a home that allows them to transition easily and provides warmth, comfort, and a sense of security. 他们完全信任设计师的眼光,强调他们想要一个有家的感觉的空间。设计的中心是作曲家柴可夫斯基的肖像,挂在主客厅壁炉上方的显眼位置。 They fully trust the designer's vision and emphasize that they want a space that feels like home. The ce ………………………………

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