Over a hundred journalists from across China have gathered in the southern Chinese metropolis of Guangzhou to embark on an eight-day reporting journey starting on June 11. This year marks the fifth anniversary of the development plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). Over the past five years, the GBA has emerged as one of China's most open and economically dynamic regions. It has seen accelerated growth in science and technology industries, expansion in both the hard connectivity of infrastructure and the soft connectivity of institutions and rules, as well as deepening integration and collaboration, all showcasing a thriving vitality. Therefore, journalists from Beijing, Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao have come together to conduct in-depth interviews and reports on the opportunities within the GBA. GDToday reporters will also be participating throughout the event. Stay tuned to GDToday's series to explore the significant opportunities in the GBA! Author | Hol