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巴蜀骄傲 || 666!巴蜀2名学子在联合国金色大厅发表“维护世界和平”的演说

巴蜀中学  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-02-11 13:59
 号外!号外! 巴蜀学子荣登联合国金色大厅发言台! 时间:纽约当地时间2018年2月8日地点:联合国总部金色大厅发言人:高2019届10班蔡元嘉高2020届1班黄郁微▲ 高2019届10班蔡元嘉发言▲ 高2020届1班黄郁微发言你是不是也觉得非常高大上呀?来,蜀妹跨时区联系远在纽约联合国总部的巴哥,现场为您详细解密这一盛事!福黄郁微同学(代表立场——加拿大)的发言稿原文(向上滑动启阅)Thank you Mr. President. Madame Secretary General, Distinguished Guests, Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen. Good evening. As Charles Dickens wrote in his novel A Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Such is the world we live in. On the one hand, we’re blessed with material wealth and enjoy the abundance of human civilizat ………………………………

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