扫码立即加入学习! 来源:Forelegal涉外法律 1、合同方信息 (Parties Information) 是否正确标注了合同的所有参与方? Are all parties to the contract correctly identified? 2、合同条款 (Contract Terms) 合同条款是否清晰明确? Are the terms of the contract clear and unambiguous? 3、合同有效期 (Duration and Termination) 合同的起止日期和终止条件是否明确? Are the start and end dates, the termination conditions, clearly defined? 4、付款条款 (Payment Terms) 付款方式、时间和金额是否准确说明? Are the payment method, timing, and amount accurately stated? 5、交货和验收 (Delivery and Acceptance) 交货条件和验收标准是否明确? Are the delivery conditions and acceptance criteria clearly outlined? 6、保密条款 (Confidentiality) 保密义务是否清楚规定? Is the confidentiality obligation clearly stipulated? 7、知识产权 (Intellectual Property) 知识产权的归属和