2024.10.26 ● 周六 / Sat. 秀 XIU 早鸟 / Early Bird:¥ 80 ( 限量 30 张 / Limited to 30 pieces) 预售 / Presale:¥ 100 现场 / At Door:¥ 150 10pm - late TRUST 与 WILDKATS 联袂呈现万圣派对 “Haunted Mansion”! TRUST and WILDKATS team up to present the Halloween party "Haunted Mansion"! 每个票档均赠送酒券一张 Each ticket comes with a free drink English 中文 “Haunted Mansion” 即将开启, TRUST & WILDKATS 在都市上空为你揭开万圣节的恐怖序幕! “Haunted Mansion” is about to open, TRUST & WILDKATS will unveil the terrifying prelude of Halloween for you above the city! Dress Code 恐怖主题装扮 & 电影角色变装 Horror-themed costumes movie character costumes DJ LINEUP LOCATION “秀 XIU” 是能将各国音乐、文化、美食相结合又不失高雅的艺术殿堂,能让你不踏出国门就能感受到世界各国风情与沉浸式演出……” 北京市朝阳区建国