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小贴士: 朋友们端午安康,节日快乐!! ——大橙子留 ✦ + + 上期划线句答案 By the start of June the S 500 had risen by 12% since the beginning of the year, but virtually the entire gain was down to these seven stocks, with the other 493 having collectively moved sideways. 到去年6月初,标普500指数比年初上涨了12%,但实际上全部涨幅都来自这七只股票,其他493只股票则集体横盘整理。 注: move sideways,横盘整理为股市术语。 横盘又称盘整,横盘是指股价在一段时间内波动幅度小,无明显的上涨或下降趋势,股价呈牛皮整理,该阶段的行情震幅小,方向不易把握,是投资者最迷惑的时候。 ✦ + + 本期内容 ◆ 双语阅读 Para.1 Each year, a