外国人在中国创业并不少见,但是你见过致力于建立一个职业交响乐团的老外吗? 来自哥斯达黎加的年轻指挥家孟爱德 (Edwin Montealegre) 自从从上海音乐学院毕业,就一直梦想着在中国拥有一个自己的交响乐队和合唱团。 而在今年5月18日江苏省常州市的一个音乐厅里,他带领着亲手组建的上海M交响乐团,举行了首场演出,举起指挥棒那一刻,音乐随之响起,他多年努力的梦想在这一刻得以实现。 A hush of anticipation explodes into rapturous applause in a concert hall in Changzhou city, Jiangsu province, as Edwin Montealegre, a young conductor from Costa Rica, strides onto the stage. He takes a moment to sweep his gaze over the auditorium before raising his baton to begin the performance. This is a culmination of years of hard work and a dream — to establish his own professional orchestra in China. 梦想的起点:上海 孟爱德的梦想开始于上