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SKYWORTH 创维 | 为数字时代重新构想身份

Typeschool  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-08 00:00


Skyworth 创维是全球最大的智能电视品牌之一,其2023年全国500强企业排名位列第287。在过去三十年中,创维将智能家电范畴拓展到智能系统技术、新能源、现代服务的交叉领域。作为其下一阶段发展战略的一部分,创维需要新的识别,以支持将智能电视巨头企业的历史印象向全球科技品牌演化。 Skyworth is one of the world's largest smart TV brands. Its ranking as one of the top 500 enterprises in China in 2023 is No. 287. Over the past three decades, Skyworth has expanded its smart home appliance category to include a cross-section of smart system technologies, new energy sources, and modern services. As part of its next phase of growth strategy, Skyworth needs a new identity to support the evolution of the historical impression of a smart TV giant company to a global technology brand. 作为加速品牌增长进程的一部分,2M2 与创维合作,我们目标是创建一个新的数字优 ………………………………

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