详情见主页: http://www.ee.cuhk.edu.hk/~yxyuan/opportunities/opportunities.htm The Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIM) Group is dedicated to an
interdisciplinary research programme that develops and applies machine
learning methods to enable precision medicine. The primary research
objectives of the laboratory range from abnormality detection, image
classification, multi-modality fusion and object tracking in medical
video. Our group currently has 5 Postdoctoral Research Fellows, 10 Ph.D.
students, 3 Research Assistant. The research team has been supported by
various grants, such as Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong,
China; Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission; National Natural
Science Foundation of China; Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation
Committee; Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Research Grants. Information for Prospective Graduate Students We look for highly motivated students to join
us. After rigorous research training,