9月7日,星期六 September 7, Saturday Fountain x BOUNCY BOUNCY 嘉宾|LINE UP echocatcher SunMeng Paradice Sinema 门票|TICKETS (大学生半价,须出示有效学生证) 11点前/Before 11pm: 30 rmb 11点后/After 11pm: 60 rmb Fountain携手上海厂牌 BOUNCY BOUNCY呈现一场令大家耳目一新的UK音乐之夜。作为北京派对厂牌的一股暗流,Fountain今年已经为大家请到了国内外多名DJ来京演出。 九月金秋我们联手上海近几年火热的 UK厂牌BOUNCY BOUNCY的帮主echocatcher和我们一起跳tamade。 刚刚度过三岁生日的BOUNCY BOUNCY将是继去年wigwam之后的首次返京亮相 。 Fountain collaborates with the Shanghai party label BOUNCY BOUNCY to present a second to none UK music night. As an undercurrent in Beijing's party scene, Fountain has invited a few domestic and international talents play this year. This September, we are joining forces with echocatcher, the head honcho of the hot Shanghai-based label BOUNC