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极简现代 | 大型木结构办公楼:澳大利亚·科林伍德 T3 办公楼

搜建筑  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-19 13:32


▲  更多精品, 关注 “ 搜建筑 ” 客户向我们提出了一个雄心勃勃的设计方案--设计一座符合其T3企业战略的大型木结构办公楼,该战略以交通、木材和技术为重点,是为了满足人们对当地真实性、可持续性以及城市和社会连接性日益增长的需求而开发的。挑战在于如何将这一要求与科林伍德丰富的工业背景相结合,科林伍德拥有优雅的仓库、狭窄的街道、充满活力的艺术区以及不断发展进步的人口。 The client came to us with an ambitious brief – to design a mass timber office building that aligned with its T3 corporate strategy, which focuses on transit, timber, and technology and was developed in response to growing demand for local authenticity, sustainability, and urban and social connectivity. The challenge lay in marrying this brief with Collingwood’s rich industrial context, characterized by elegant warehouses, narrow streets, vibrant arts preci ………………………………

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