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首发 x 于山 | 川西 · 悬崖酒店

印际  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-03-13 17:02


这是一个改建项目,位于川西四姑娘山旁的日尔乡的四大安村,四大安在藏语里的意思是“显赫的大平台”,入云山便是矗立在被森林托举的悬崖之上 。 This is a renovation project located in Si'an Village, Rier Township, next to Siguniang Mountain in western Sichuan, which means "prominent platform" in Tibetan, and the Yunshan Mountain stands on a cliff held up by the forest.  改造后的建筑屋脊与噶诺尔雪山的山脊齐平,靠近悬崖的一侧则是与巴朗雪山日出的方向相对。 原有的建筑结构沉在了森林之中,新增加的建筑在云雾弥漫之时 便缓缓的隐没进了噶诺尔雪山的山体,斜顶和山脊交汇成一个“入”字,这便是项目入云山的由来。 The roof of the renovated building is flush with the ridge of the Kanoer Snow Mountain, and the side near the cliff is opposite the direction of the sunrise of the Balang Snow Mountain. The original building structure sank ………………………………

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