Niwa与Global Plant Genetics(GPG)签订了两种新型初级茎黑加仑品种的新许可协议。该协议授权GPG在国际上代表Maryna和Juhas品种。Niwa的Bartek Danek表示,开发初级茎品种对于黑加仑育种工作非常重要,全球黑加仑行业不断增长,推广和改进品种对于加速增长至关重要。GPG的联合所有人兼董事Jamie Petchell表示,随着全球黑加仑部门在过去20年内规模几乎翻了一番,现在有一个加速发展的绝佳机会。他认为,Maryna和Juhas品种将在未来的发展中扮演重要角色,并期待它们在即将到来的季节中在全球范围内推广。
关键观点1: Niwa与GPG签订新许可协议
关键观点2: Niwa的Bartek Danek强调开发初级茎品种的重要性
关键观点3: GPG董事Jamie Petchell谈论全球黑加仑部门的发展
关键观点4: Maryna和Juhas品种的展望
Jamie Petchell表示,他期待这两种品种在全球未来的黑加仑发展中发挥重要作用,并将在接下来的季节中在全球范围内推广它们。
点击上方蓝字,关注我们 Global Plant Genetics (GPG) and Polish Rubus breeding programme, Niwa, signed a new licensing arrangement for two new primocane blackberry varieties. The agreement is for GPG to represent the Maryna and Juhas cultivars in a range of international territories. Bartek Danek, Director of Niwa, said “It has been important for our blackberry breeding efforts to develop primocane varieties. The global blackberry industry has been growing steadily for a number of years now and it is crucial that improved cultivars are released to help with this growth and to accelerate it even further." He added that they are pleased to complete this agreement with GPG and "look forward to seeing the Maryna and Juhas varieties growing across the world in the next few years.” Co-owner and director of GPG Jamie Petchell said, “With the global blackberry sector that has almost doubled in size over the last 20 years, some would say in spite of the general varietal offer, th