“one step closer to eternal eternity”(向隽永恒久更进一步) 当栖息之地与宝格丽(BVLGARI)的珠宝伟大相遇,一场奢华的艺术盛宴就此拉开帷幕,宛如一颗璀璨的明珠,绽放在湖光山色之间。 When the habitat meets the great jewelry of BVLGARI, a luxurious art feast begins, like a shining pearl blooming among the lakes and mountains. 绮梦宴境本意是一处华丽宴会的休憩之所,如梦幻般在这里展开,生活的真意和奢华的盛宴无缝交织在一起,开启一场尊贵的归家之旅。 The original intention of the Qimeng Banquet is a resting place for a gorgeous banquet. It unfolds here like a dream, where the true meaning of life and the luxurious feast are seamlessly intertwined, starting a noble journey home. 以追求隽永为第一信条,设计师秉承纯粹匠心,雕刻每一寸生活细节,引领城市高阶圈层的艺术生活至享。 With the pursuit of timelessness as the first creed,