专栏名称: 运筹OR帷幄
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论文速递 | Operations Research 5月文章合集

运筹OR帷幄  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-06 20:24


↑↑↑↑↑ 点击上方 蓝色字 关注我们! 推文作者: 郭浩然 编者按 在本系列文章中,我们梳理了运筹学顶刊Operations Research在2024年5月份发布的6篇文章的基本信息,旨在帮助读者快速洞察领域新动态。 推荐文章1 ●  题目 : Drone-Delivery Network for Opioid Overdose: Nonlinear Integer Queueing-Optimization Models and Methods 阿片类药物过量应急的无人机递送网络:非线性整数排队优化模型与方法 ●  原文链接 :https://doi.org/10.1287/opre.2022.0489 ●  作者 : Miguel A. Lejeune , Wenbo Ma ●  发布时间 :2024/05/07 ●  摘要 : We propose a new stochastic emergency network design model that uses a fleet of drones to quickly deliver naloxone in response to opioid overdoses. The network is represented as a collection of queueing systems in which the capacity of each system is a decision variable, and the service time is modeled as a decision-dependent random variabl ………………………………

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