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活动预告 | 京师数学公众报告

京师数科  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-13 21:46


活动预告 京师数学 公众报告 01   Application of tetragonal curves to coupled Boussinesq equations 报告题目(Title): Application of tetragonal curves to coupled Boussinesq equations 报告人(Speaker): 耿献国 (郑州大学教授) 地点(Place): 后主楼1220 时间(Time): 11月17日(周日)14:50-15:50 邀请人(inviter): 王灯山 报告摘要: The hierarchy of coupled Boussinesq equations related to a 4×4 matrix spectral problem is derived by using the zero-curvature equation and Lenard recursion equations. The characteristic polynomial of the Lax matrix is employed to introduce the associated tetragonal curve and Riemann theta functions. The detailed theory of resulting tetragonal curves is established by exploring the properties of Baker–Akhiezer functions and a class of meromorphic functions. The Abel map and Abelian differentials are used to precisely determine the linearization of various flows. Finally, algebro-geometric solutions for ………………………………

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