专栏名称: EXIT Shanghai
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Tonight 今晚 9/21 周六 minuit

EXIT Shanghai  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-21 16:22


●  2024年9月21日 周六 minuit 22.00 - 01:00  ALADIN |  CODA |  LIVIO  01:00 - 02:30 OLIVIER G |  CHABUDUO  02:30 - END MINUIT ALL STARS #Disco #House 不含饮品——60¥  含3个酒水- 100¥ Minuit is a silly dance party that started off as an excuse for a group of friends to hang out and dj together. 灵感来自于著名的90年代巴黎车库派对“CHEERS”、LARRY LEVAN著名的"SATURDAY MASS” SETS以及欧洲和纽约最近的NU-DISCO唱片公司; MINUIT专注于 DISCO、HOUSE音乐和一系列优美通俗曲调。这是关于与新老朋友一起玩乐的派对。 More  > Inspired by amongst others things: the famous 90’s Paris garage party “Cheers”,Larry Levan’s famous “Saturday Mass” sets and recent nu-disco labels across Europe and New York; Minuit focuses on disco, house and an array of good / cheesy tunes. It’s about dancing, having fun with friends, old and new. Minuit started off at the now closed X Bar and has since moved on to othe ………………………………

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