一个人如果欲望太多, 生命该如何承受重负, 人生又怎能获得快乐呢? 因此,在人生的旅途, 追求一种淡泊。 坦然面对生活对你的赐予, 包括所有的磨难与不公。 用平和淡定的心态去看待沿途的一切。 做一个真实的自己, 无须虚伪,无须奉承,无须圆滑。 不为尘俗所迷, 不为物欲所困。 认认真真做事, 踏踏实实做人。 --- 加措活佛 When one is too desirous, life becomes a heavy burden,making it hard to be happy. Therefore, in the journey of life, seek to beindifferent and calm in the face of what life bestows, including hardships andinjustices. Face the journey with a peaceful and calm outlook. Be your genuineself, without hypocrisy, flattery, or slickness. Do not be attached to theworld, and made distressed by material things. Be serious with what you do andsteadfast with who you are. 有缘请加我公众微信 长按上图二维码即可添加