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攻克长难句 | 法国士兵鸣枪警告

可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2022-07-12 08:00
今日长难句VOA新闻French military spokesman Colonel Pascal Ianni told Reuters news agency that French soldiers and Nigerian military police had fired warning shots to disperse protesters who were trying to pillage and seize the trucks but said he could not confirm or deny the reported casualties.法国军方发言人帕斯卡尔·伊尼上校告诉路透社,法国士兵和尼日利亚武警已经鸣枪警告,以驱散试图抢劫和夺取卡车的抗议者,但他说,他无法证实或否认有关伤亡的报道。French military spokesman Colonel Pascal Ianni(主) told(谓) Reuters news agency(宾) that French soldiers and Nigerian military police had fired warning shots to disperse protesters(宾) who were trying to pillage and seize the trucks(定) but said(谓) he could not confirm or deny the reported casualties(宾).【分析】这句话最大的框架是but引导的并列复合句。sb told someone that….,but said….。第一个简单句的语 ………………………………

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