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首发 x 黄煌 | 云住疗愈民宿

印际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-30 17:03


缙云山,雄峙重庆市北碚区嘉陵江温塘峡畔,是七千万年前“燕山运动”造就的“背斜”山岭,古名巴山。山间白云缭绕,似雾非雾,似烟非烟,磅礴郁积,气象万千。早晚霞云,姹紫嫣红,五彩缤纷。古人称“赤多白少为缙”,故名缙云山。 Jinyun Mountain, towering over the Beibei District of Chongqing by the Jialing River's Wengtang Gorge, is a "syncline" mountain range formed by the "Yanshan Movement" 70 million years ago, anciently known as Bashan. The mountain is enshrouded in clouds that are neither fog nor smoke, nor mist, but a magnificent accumulation, full of ever-changing weather and scenery. The morning and evening clouds are a riot of colors, a splendid display. The ancients called it "Jinyun" because of its red hue with less white, hence the name Jinyun Mountain. 在重庆的川东,有一片被嘉陵江环绕的翠绿谷地,仿佛大地的琴弦,缙云山岭便是其中一根被江水 ………………………………

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