专栏名称: 财会知微堂
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财会知微堂  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-06 12:22


点击蓝字 关注我们 01 原文: Mkrtchyan, A., Sandvik, J., & Xu, D. (2024). Employee responses to CEO activism. Journal of Accounting and Economics , 101701. Employee responses to CEO activism Abstract:  We examine employee responses to CEO activism, the increasingly common practice of CEOs taking public stances on socio-political issues. CEO activism may bolster employees’ identification with their organizations and strengthen shared beliefs among employees. Alternatively, CEO activism may alienate employees if CEO stances contrast with employees’ ideologies. We find that employee satisfaction is higher when CEOs engage in activism that is aligned with employees’ ideologies. Furthermore, firms with CEO activism experience a net inflow of productive, ideologically-aligned inventors, which contributes to increased firm-level innovation. The improvements in employee satisfaction and innovation constitute an important channel that connects aligned CEO activism to increase ………………………………

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