巴西珠宝品牌 Brazil Jewelry Brand Daslan JEWELRY DESIGN FASHION TRAVEL LIFESTYLE Daslan因源于对世界的不同看法而诞生。 Daslan was born out of a different view of the world. 品牌对于创始人而言,有如 “另一个自己”,它讲述着创始人的经历和想法,将一些难以用言语表达的内容转化为具体的产品,以便于让人们能够更好地去了解他们背后的故事。 For the founder, the brand is like "another self", it tells the founder's experience and ideas, and transforms some of the difficult content into concrete products, so that people can better understand the story behind them. 巴西珠宝品牌 Daslan,以多元文化为灵感,歌颂游牧风格的生活方式。品牌基调采用精确和简约的极简主义哲学,并通过纯粹的形式展现永恒的特性,重视细节,在精致之处找寻最真实的自己。 Daslan, a Brazilian jewelry brand, celebrates a nomadic lifestyle inspired by multicultu