专栏名称: 加措上师语录
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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2024-06-03 10:35


我们都希望 有好的习惯, 好的习惯能让我们 在很多方面成功。   可有些与自身性格 相驳的好习惯, 就算我们意识到了, 也很难将它 一直保持下去。 良好的习惯, 有时是需要 强加给自己的, 并一定要努力 将它保持下去, 才可能彻底的 将我们改变。   今日的我们, 是我们过去 习惯的结果。 而今日的习惯, 将决定我们 明日的命运。   --- 加措活佛 It costs no money tosmile, yet a smile can bring warmth to another; it requires no effort to praise, yet praise can earn you the friendship of another. Those who are smart respect others, and inturn love themselves;   those who arefoolish hurt others, in turn hurting themselves.   Those who go slowly, as long as they don’tlose their way, actually will move faster than those who aimlessly wander.   Choosing one’s life path is very important;if one walks along a road not suitable for himself,   it will be like w ………………………………

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