这是“金融学前沿论文速递”第 1513 篇推送 编辑:谭茗月 审核:李雨 仅用于学术交流,原文版权归原作者和原发刊所有 (文章概括通过AI模型生成,未经人工修改。) 目录 Self-Declared benchmarks and fund manager intent:“Cheating”or competing? Q:Risk,rents, or growth? Yield drifts when issuance comes before macro news Fed information effects: Evidence from the equity term structure Optimal illiquidity Asymmetric information, disagreement, and the valuation of debt and equity The volatility puzzle of the beta anomaly ESG: A panacea for market power? 摘要与一句话概括 1. Self-Declared benchmarks and fund manager intent:“Cheating”or competing?(自选基准与基金经理意图:"作弊"还是竞争?) 作者 :Huaizhi Chen, Richard Evans, Yang Sun 摘要 : 通过一个自选基准的面板数据,我们研究了基金随时间使用不匹配基准的情况。样本初期不匹配现象较高(2008年总